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Another post!!!

October 16th, 2004

So, I’m in the auto parts store today buying car wax. I get to the register and prepare to pay for the merchandise. The clerk is looking around at nothing in particular when his eyes pass the window and he does a double take. “Whoa, there’s a nice Bimmer outside,” he says. I glance in the same direction. “Yeah, that’s mine,” I nonchalantly reply. “Cooool.”

Now, the experience would have been a lot better if the clerk had been an attractive 20-something chick. Alas, there are not many attractive 20-something chicks working at auto parts stores. In fact, I can’t recall ever seeing a female under the employ of an auto parts store. I’m not trying to be sexist — it just seems as though the auto-parts retail employee demographic is heavily skewed towards the Mars side. It’s probably even more skewed than the engineering demographic.

Anyhow, at about the same time as the clerk is complimenting my car, I hear the words “Hi Jeff” from behind me. I whirl around to find… my manager! Strains of “It’s a Small World” briefly float through my head before I beat them back into the dark recesses of my mind, near my “knowledge” of combinatorial algebra. I respond with appropriate greetings, as one would be apt to do. It’s easy to forget that colleagues at work and school lead real lives too.

I remember finding it very awkward when I would run into my high school teachers at the grocery store. It’s a social situation with no clear solution other than to scream in panic and run away. Graceful? No, but quite effective at avoiding uncomfortable conversation. Of course, the fact that I worked at the grocery store didn’t help matters.

You know who else you might run into at an auto parts store? Maybe Jay Leno. Unlikely but possible. Maybe it would be some other late-night comedian, like Jon Stewart.

Last week, Jon Stewart made a fantastic TV appearance when he went on CNN’s “Crossfire” as a guest and verbally annihilated the two hosts. The two hosts were so taken aback at their supposedly-comedic guest’s intelligent commentary that they were reduced to making jejune quips about the lack of humor. Hilarity (from the embarrassment of the pundits) ensued. See what all the fuss is about over on iFilm.

On a related note, Jon Stewart is a Pike.


Fun election-season quiz: Which two people ran for office and received identical numbers of electoral college votes, therefore sending the matter to the House of Representatives, and eventually (after 36 ballots) resulting in one becoming President and the other Vice-President? (Hint: peanut butter)


Blogroll update: There’s a new auto-highlight-when-updated feature on my blogroll: blogs that have been updated since your last visit are marked with bold type. Nifty, eh?

  1. jimmers
    October 17th, 2004 at 15:53 | #1

    i enjoyed the iFilm. i hope you are enjoying the apparent slew of DNC propoganda that graces my old address. hope the beamer is threating you well. if you would like to be in the skiing trip loop, send me your email address. jrgoodman@gmail.com

  2. October 17th, 2004 at 16:53 | #2

    Cake, that would be Thomas Jefferson and John Adams; Adams recieving more votes in the House and becoming the second president of the United States.

    This election fascillitated the ratification of the 12th amendment, which effectively states that the President and Vice-President will run on the same ticket.

  3. Keacher
    October 17th, 2004 at 17:57 | #3

    You’re close Rory, but not quite correct. In the 1796 election, Adams received 71 electoral votes, and Jefferson received 68.

    Think about the hint (which actually alludes to pop culture)…

  4. October 18th, 2004 at 04:41 | #4


    And I had a chick help me buy new wipers at Auto Zone this week. My girlfriend is an awesome mechanic, too.

  5. Keacher
    October 18th, 2004 at 06:45 | #5

    Nope, not Carter. Rory was correct in that the 12th amendment made future occurrences of the event impossible, so the event had to take place before the summer of 1804.

    That’s great to hear about your girlfriend!

  6. Snyder
    October 18th, 2004 at 17:04 | #6

    So easy! Ballot number 36 elected Jefferson but the country was very close in having Aaron Burr as President.

  7. October 18th, 2004 at 18:06 | #7

    i second the fact that i have seen many babes working in auto parts stores…but they usually don’t have phone numbers, or so my experience leads me to believe…

  8. Keacher
    October 18th, 2004 at 20:35 | #8

    Congrats, Snyder!

    Come to think of it, a chick at the TH Auto Zone “helped” me too. I say “helped” because she gave me the wrong size axle nut socket. Fortunately, I noticed the error as I was walking through the parking lot. When I went back, she acted as though it were *my* fault. You gave me the wrong one! Sheesh!

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